Buy before You sell.

Close with cash..

Cash is king. Make sure you don’t lose out on offers.

Make an offer that puts you at the top. Flexcap gives you the cash to close with certainty, and the ability to control your deal.

Our Services

Our Core Services

Property Management

over 1 million+ homes for sale available on the website, we can match you with a house you will want to call home.

Mortgage Service

over 1 million+ homes for sale available on the website, we can match you with a house you will want to call home.

Consulting Service

over 1 million+ homes for sale available on the website, we can match you with a house you will want to call home.

Home Buying

over 1 million+ homes for sale available on the website, we can match you with a house you will want to call home.

Home Selling

over 1 million+ homes for sale available on the website, we can match you with a house you will want to call home.

Escrow Services

over 1 million+ homes for sale available on the website, we can match you with a house you will want to call home.

Looking for a dream home?

We can help you realize your dream of a new home